Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dating Tips For Women

Dating Tips For Women

The last thing your boyfriend wants to think about is another guy having been with you (whether we’re talking about sex or just hooking up). Envisioning some other guy getting down with you can literally drive him crazy.

Have you had a checkered sexual history that’s filled with lots of experience? If so, your boyfriend might have trouble dealing with this. But this is something that he must accept.

Don’t you dare let someone else throw your past in your face or hold it against you. If it’s ancient history (or only a few months ago), let it stay there and move on.

He Must Accept You For All That You Are

If he’s chosen to be with you…he needs to accept you for all that you are.  And that means everything. It doesn’t mean he has to like your sexual history, of course, but it means he can’t hold it against you. It’s completely unfair for him to want to date you and then start knit-picking about details from your past.

If He’s Constantly Bringing Up Your Past

Tell him flat out that he’s going to have to accept everything about you if he wants to date you. Let him know he has two choices:

FIRST…You Two Break Up 

SECOND…You Two Stay Together

But he can never mention your sexual past ever again. Never… Not even when you two are fighting.

Date.comLearn From Your Mistakes And Move On

The few moments of pleasure that come from sex and hooking up can have a permanent effect on you reputation and self-esteem. If you’ve chosen to change your “free loving” ways, you’re doing the right thing and that’s what matters most.  On the other hand, if you’ve only had a few hook-up and your man is making a major issue about it, you might want to rethink whether you really need to date such a puritanical person. - Ready for a long-term, healthy and happy relationship? Meet other singles like you. Click here!


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